Sunday, February 21, 2010

Worse Things Can Happen

Last night after a great dinner with our new friends, Maca and Felipe offered to drive us to some small villages the next day where the local artisans set up in the markets. We were all excited to have the opportunity  to go to more  markets and agreed that it would be a lot of fun.

Just when we thought the worst thing that had happened to us was the lost wallet incident, things took a wrong turn for Rod and Myself. Sunday morning Rod woke up with stomach issues, but I felt fine. At breakfast I was giving him a hard time about being wimpy when all of a sudden I was struck with stomach cramps. After an hour or so and countless trips to the bathroom I had to concede to defeat and Rod and I both stayed in the hotel room and nursed our stomach aches while Mom, Bob, Maca and Felipe had all the fun. We really didn’t feel like it was anything we ate, but rather a change in diet our systems weren’t used to. All the meat, fresh juices and fruits were definitely playing havoc with our systems.

When Mom and Bob returned from their excursion they had lots of pictures and told us all about their day and the wonderful places they had visited. By this time we were feeling better and anxious to get out of the hotel room, so we all walked to the restaurant that we ate at the first night and I played it safe and ordered chicken noodle soup (whoopee).

Artisan Weaving

Mom and Maca Looking Through The Goods

Beautiful Textiles

The Wonderful Lunch We Missed

Tomorrow we have another full day of real estate hunting and I’m hoping my stomach settles down.

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